The One Creativity Club - The Art of Strategy Panel

Account planning exists to create advertising that truly connects with consumers. Sun Tsu once said: 'Tactics without strategy is the noise without the defeat.' Jane Newman professed that proper account planning stopped the creative people spinning their wheels. We will talk to some of the best planners in the business on the art of strategy. We will look to identify ways for account/ strategy leaders to partner with clients, consumers, and agency creatives to ensure the most effective and impactful marketing. And looking at different approaches to research, developing stimuli, seeking inspiration from culture and how to build the most inspiring briefs.


  • Moderator: Andy Nathan, CEO, Fortnight & Co-President, One Club Denver

  • Ed Tsue, CSO, Samsung Publicis

  • Lexie Pérez, Global Planning Director, Disney

  • Katie Dreke, CSO, DRKE (Formerly Nike, Droga5, W+K, Adidas)

  • Bryan Smith, Executive Strategy Officer, 72 & Sunny

  • Suzanne Powers, Global President & CSO, McCann Worldgroup

  • Dagny Scott, Founder, Fearless Unlimited

Co-Host, 2022 Do-Together Sweathead Strategy Conference

The Fight Against Mediocrity: Strategy roles have never been in so many companies in so many countries. But a lot of these companies are new to strategy – or, account planning – and don’t always know how to help it succeed. In this year’s version of The Sweathead Do-Together, we are going to take a stance – mediocrity is a habit but it’s a crap habit.
10 hour online conference, 30-minute workouts, Short videos plus 22 minutes of live exercises, 3 masterclasses

 Going Freelance - Where Is That Exactly?

A two-time guest on the Sweathead podcast invited to shed light on what freelance looks like for a strategist - the good, the bad and the ugly.

Brands on Black Lives Matter

On the heels of publishing the widely circulated Black Lives Matter Brand Responses Living Brand Tracker, Stylus invited me to speak on how businesses can get their house in order.

Your Career Needs Your Confidence

Mark Pollard invited me on the Sweathead Podcast to share my POV on the importance of confidence in your career identity.